The Unholy Mix: Cults and Abuse

Cult leader Shai Abramov was founded hanged in his cell on Saturday morning. Abramov, 40, was suspected of being a cult leader and having encouraged a teacher to starve and beat her young son; Abramov reportedly committed suicide in his prison cell at the Hadarim Prison in the Sharon area on Friday night. He was found by wardens, apparently after hanging himself with a lace taken from a pair of pants. Paramedics tried to resuscitate him without success. Today, Abramov's family have declared that he did not commit suicide, but was the victim of foul play. The Abramov affair first came to light following the arrest two weeks ago of a teacher from Netanya accused of beating and starving her 10-year-old son. Under questioning, police discovered that the boy was beaten as part of an educational method the mother said she learned from Abramov, a Netanya resident. Abramov and his wife were arested late last Tuesday night after officers from the central district of the specia...