Jewish Pedophiles Without Frontiers

Cops At Ben Gurion Airport Perhaps more than any other pedophiles, Jewish ones are likely to hop from country to country. When ex-pupils of Rabbi W from Monsey accused him of molesting them as children, Rabbi W simply bought himself an El Al ticket and moved to Bet Shemesh in Israel. Rabbi W is now employed as the School Counselor/Mephakeach of a cheder; a status which gives him privileged access to every child in the cheder. When presented with evidence incriminating Rabbi W, the cheder has claimed that they were previously aware of the allegations from Monsey about Rabbi W, and they had therefore taken 'appropriate safeguards' in order to continue Rabbi W's employment at the school "without unduly risking the welfare of the children". In Australia this past July, Rabbi David Kramer was found guilty of sexual offenses against four young boys at Yeshiva College in Melbourne and sentenced to three and a half years imprisonment. During the hearings, ...