
Showing posts from September, 2014

'UN human rights council is oxymoron' – Netanyahu to UNGA 2014 (FULL SPE...

The is the full Bibi Netanyau speech yesterday at the United Nations. Bibi is by far Israel's most talented advocate. I would even go so far to say that Bibi is one of the world's greatest political orators. Take a seat, and relish classic Bibi!

Shanah Tova!

Wishing all readers of Tzedek-Tzedek a Shanah Tova Umetuka - A Sweet New Year!

Why People Cover-Up Abuse

While many of us struggle with understanding why any adult would sexually abuse a child, we also struggle with understanding why any other adults would want to cover up such a heinous crime. The cover-up phenomenon is pandemic. To cite a few high profile examples over the past couple of years: Jimmy Savile, UK pop culture hero and saintly charity worker - who reportedly raised UKP 30m for charity. His abuses of children only became public after his death. Hundreds of victims have since come forward to present their horrific experiences to a board of national enquiry. The abuses happened in the children's hospitals where Saville volunteered, and even in his BBC changing rooms. Literally hundreds of victims have stepped forward since 2012; and it has become clear that hundreds more adults knew, including senior members of the BBC and staff at the children's hospitals, and all who stood by doing nothing to protect these children from Savile for sixty years . Gerald &

A New Year's Message - Listen To Your Child!

This is an important New Year's Message from Magenu, NY, who promote child protection.

UAE: Camel Jockey Slave Kids

This news report tells the horrific story of child slaves being used for camel racing in the UAE. The richest men in the world, are pampering their $1m camels, while trading in young children at $500 each.

You Want Me To Say WHAT To My Teen?

MAGEN PRESENTS YOU WANT ME TO SAY WHAT TO MY TEENS?! A candid discussion for parents by Dr. Yocheved Debow, noted author and lecturer A Torah based perspective on discussing “difficult” topics with your TEENS, including: -Fostering healthy body image and preventing eating disorders -How to explain the facts of human reproduction -Countering western perceptions in the media and social networking -Understanding the Jewish approach to relationships between genders - A fresh approach to Tzniut MEN & WOMEN WELCOME Tuesday, September 16, 2014     8:15 PM Kehillat Ahava V’Simcha (Carlebach)  70 Nachal Dolev, Ramat Bet Shemesh Donation: 20 NIS MEN & WOMEN WELCOME

BOATLIFT, An Untold Tale of 9/11 Resilience

This Blog and The Meisels Seminaries

In view of the fact that Magen, a child protection and victims' advocacy organization which I established in 2010 and manage, is now actively assisting with the investigation of alleged abuse at the Meisels seminaries and other seminaries, I am planning to take a break from commenting about this specific case on Tzedek-Tzedek. All information provided to Magen will be treated with absolute professional confidentiality under the law.

Call Magen or Police About Harassment or Abuse in Seminaries!

(Article by kind permission of Frum Follies )  By Yerachmiel Lopin Magen  is an independent, non-profit, victims advocacy organization in Israel. Magen’s English-speaking staff are well acquainted with the seminaries culture. Magen is now  working to assemble information about abuse of students at seminaries , in order to: Advocate  for and  provide support  to past victims Develop    safety protocols  &  programs  for  seminaries  to protect students in the future. Magen has   opened a file  about the  Meisels seminaries  (in addition to others) and have already begun speaking to people who attended those seminaries.  Any information you could share might help them better protect students. Information provided could also help support  prosecution  of abuse crimes. In Israel it is illegal for a clergyman or educator to have sexual relations with students. Consent is not a defense against such charges. In addition, sexual assault are prosecutable under additional

Seminaries: Blessing-Dispensers & Diplomats

Although there's lots of scandal, smoke & mirrors, the facts of the seminaries case are reasonably straight forward. 1. Rabbi Elimelech Meisels is alleged to have had "unwanted touch of a sexual nature" with students at his seminaries. 2. This was investigated by the Chicago Beit Din (CBD) and the charges were substantiated to the Beit Din's satisfaction. 3. This is not disputed by the ad hoc private Israeli Beit Din (IBD), nor anyone else of standing. 4. Meisels was instructed to depart from the seminaries by the CBD, subsequently reinforced by the IBD. 5. The CBD also investigated and found sufficient basis to allegations that senior members of the staff were informed by victims of the alleged offenses by Meisels, that they had failed to act to protect the girls, and the CBD therefore declared the seminaries themselves, even in Meisels absence, to be still unsafe. There are more bad apples in the cart. 6. This was accepted by Touro and TI who withdrew th

Include-In Disabled Kids with Zippers!

Richard Kligman has launched a great campaign to encourage inclusion of kids with disabilities - Zip-Up for Special Needs Kids: I encourage you to support this creative and important cause!!