Breaking the Social Contract (Mishpatim)

Based on the commentary of Rabbi Shimshon Raphael Hirsch Five questions (you've probably heard the first three before): 1. What’s the difference between robbery (gezel) and theft (geneiva)? 2. Why does a thief have to pay the victim double the value of the object stolen, whereas the robber just needs to return the value of the object itself? 3. Why does someone who steals sheep and cattle have to pay an increased fine of four and five times the value? 4. Why does it require a Beit Din to rule on the fine? 5. If the thief can’t pay, due to lack of cash, he works as a ‘slave’ (actually more like an indentured labourer). Why does the thief/slave solely need to pay off the first half of the debt, but not the second half, the double portion? Rabbi Hirsch explains that the difference between robbery and theft, is that robbery is done with the knowledge of the victim, whereas theft is without his knowledge. Rav Hirsch explains that we are willing to leave ou...