Did My Deceased Mother-In-Law Just Vote?

An Elderly Lady Votes (While Alive) It may qualify as the least funny mother-in-law joke. We received a phone call at home from a unit investigating the recent election fraud scams in Bet Shemesh. They were particularly interested in my mother-in-law's voting habits. My mother-in-law? Voting? My mother-in-law passed away over three years ago. That apparently was just the point... Even though my mother-in-law is in her grave, she is still registered as a voter in Beit Shemesh. Apparently, part of the (alleged) election fraud was that the scammers called hundreds of local homes impersonating pollsters. When the person called by the 'pollster' said that the registered voter would be absent during the election (such as they were travelling abroad, or were in general absent from this world, because they'd died) this went down as a positive finding - and these people's identities were then faked to enable people to vote in their place. Absent peop...