Emergency Terror Victim Fund - Daniel Viflic

Israel gaza bus strike 2011 4 7

The victim of last week's utterly evil missile attack on a school bus, is local Bet Shemesh/RBS resident Daniel Viflic, aged 16.

Daniel is in critical condition - and his family asks all of us to daven for his survival and recuperation (Raphael Daniel Arieh ben Tamar). The coming hours are extremely important.

Lema'an Achai, the RBS Chesed Organization, is coordinating all efforts to help the family, shoulder to shoulder with our colleagues at "One Family" (who specialise in assisting Terror Victims) and "Paamonim" (who specialise in financial and small business structuring).

* How You Can Help *

The Viflic family run a small catering business, and right now (coming up to Pessach) was planned to be their peak season.

Due to the horrific circumstances the Viflic's are now suffering, the business will be non-existent during this period. Unfortunately, there is no cash reserve to fall back on.

In order to float the business and the family until after Pessach, $10,000 is immediately needed.

This is a definite and immediate need. Depending on Daniel's progress, there will likely be other financial impact also.

A special Emergency Fund has therefore been established for the Viflics, by Lema'an Achai.


a. *After* you have given your regular kimche depischa/maot chitim donation, please ALSO donate generously to the "Terror Victim Fund - Viflic"

b. Please, add your personal recommendation to the top, and send this emergency appeal to your close friends, family, shul lists, and others who may be interested to help the Viflic family (but please don't spam).
More Details How to Donate:

* Checks * - clearly marked "Terror Victim Fund - Viflic": Mail to...

USA Tax Deductible: Payable to "US Friends of Lema'an Achai", PO Box 532, Oceanside, NY 11572-0532, USA.

UK Tax Deductible: Payable to "British Friends of Lema'an Achai", c/o Nava Kestenbaum, 96 Rigby Street, Salford, Manchester, M7 4BQ, ENGLAND.

Canadian Tax Deductible: Payable to "Gates of Mercy Charity Fund", C/O Murray Shore, 31 Marwill Street, Toronto, Ontario, M3H 3L2, CANADA.

Israel Tax Deductible: Payable to "Lema'an Achai", The Lema'an Achai Center, 40/7 Nahal Lachish, Ramat Bet Shemesh, 99093, Israel.

* By Phone*:
24/6 Donations Hotline (Hebrew): 02 99.999.33

* Securely On-Line *

(Use the comments section to designate "Terror Victim - Viflic")

Besorot Tovot,
David & Avrohom

Small Print: This is an emergency situation; in the event that more donations are received for the Viflics than their needs, any remaining funds will solely be used for helping similar families in crisis.

David Morris,         Rabbi Avrohom Leventhal
Chairman,               Executive Director

Tel: +972 2 9991553
Direct: +972 2 9997107
Donations 24/6: 02 99999.33

The Lema'an Achai Center
40/7 Nachal Lachish,
Ramat Beit Shemesh
99093 ISRAEL.


  1. As his name was changed to Raphael Daniel Aryeh, the old name should no longer be used.

    In any event, tizku l'mitzvot

  2. Baruch Dayan Emes. Hamokom Yenochem eschem.


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