Who Killed YA?
I'm not sure why the Palestinian Authority is bothering to dig up Yasser Arafat. Apparently the traces of radioactive material polonium-210 were found on Arafat's clothes by a Swiss investigative team in July of this year. Polonium is a rare material, which is extremely poisonous. For example, by mass, polonium-210 is around 250,000 times more toxic than hydrogen cyanide. To put it another way, one gram of polonium-210 could in theory poison 20 million people of whom 10 million would die. It has a half life of 30-50 days in a human. In other words, after eight years in the grave, Yasser's unlikely to have much in the way of detectable Polonium. Polonium-210 has been used, even recently, by the Russian secret services to discretely poison opponents, such as the murder of Alexander Litvinenko, a Russian dissident, in 2006 which was announced as due to polonium-210. (Litvinenko was a whistle blower on Putin's criminality, and was bumped off in London). ...