Awareness Event in Bet Shemesh: Breaking The Silence

Sunday 16th January, 8pm.

At Genesis Hall, Reishit Yeshiva, Rehov Rashi, Bet Shemesh.

Light refreshments served.

Entrance is free.
Donations to Magen & Event Sponsorships Welcome.

A public awareness evening with Dr. Pelcovitz, world renowned psychologist, speaker and author.

With a moving, first hand account, by an abuse-survivor; and an introduction to "Magen", the new Bet Shemesh Child Protection organization.

The evening will include a questions & answers session with Dr Pelcovitz. (Please submit your questions in advance to

Dr Pelcovitz is the Professor of Psychology & Jewish Education at Yeshiva University; Director of Psychology at North Shore University Hospital.
Dr Pelcovitz has recently published a ground breaking book "Breaking The Silence - Sexual Abuse in the Jewish Community".

For further information:

"Magen" - Creating a Safer Community for Kids


  1. I heard Dr. Pelcovitz speak years ago, at a Nefesh Israel convention (see and the theme was "Shhh It's Not a Secret Anymore." He, and brutalized victims of sexual predators within the yeshiva system and yeshiva world, spoke of horrific head-in-the-sand realities among everyday dati'im. I've been sad to see that the presentation did not lead to the watershed improvement of the halachically oriented Jewish world. It is up to each and every Jew to protect the recovering victims and to prevent new victims with increased public vigilance and prevention techniques. ZERO TOLERANCE for sex offenders should be the Jewish attitude. Dinah's rape was not tolerated. Let our tzadikim remain examples of ideal Jewish behavior.


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