UK's Channel Four Exposes Rabbinical Cover Up of Child Abuse
(Note: You Tube removed the video which was initially embedded here) The UK Channel Four "Dispatches" investigative program broadcasted "Britain's Hidden Child Abuse" this week. The documentary was made over a one year period, and visits the chareidi communities of London, Manchester & New York. In London, an anonymous (to us) Chareidi rabbi is interviewed, who tells how a child was allegedly mollested in the community, who then told his parents, who went to the police. The community rabbinical leadership and many members subsequently intimidated and shunned the victim's family, charging them with "mesirah" (betrayal to the non-Jewish authorities). Another alleged child abuse victim, now an adult (Moshe) is wired up by Channel Four, and then meets and secretly videos Rabbi Ephraim Padwa. Moshe tells Rav Padwa that he was sexually abused as a child, and Rav Padwa tells him, repeatedly, from several angles, not to report to the police. ...