Benny Begin: Two Cheers for Democracy

Government Minister, Dr Benny Begin, spoke last night at a Dinner for the Bet Shemesh Hesder Yeshiva. Begin's topic was "Developments in the Region". Begin at first reviewed the situations in the existing Middle East democracies (aside from Israel); yes, there are such things. Turkey - mature democracy, including National Constitution ("More than Israel has managed!" - he quipped), regular and fair elections, etc. Ruled by the Islamic party ATK, and the vitriolic Prime Minister Recep Erdogan. They are leaning towards the Iranian + Syrian + Hamas axis, more strongly each day. Lebanon - mature democracy, also with a National Constitution, regular elections et al. Not currently ruled by anybody, due to Hizballa (was a major member of the governing coalition) breaking ranks. Iran, Syria and America (+ France?) vie for dominant influence. Iraq - young democracy, also with Constitution, regular elections et al. The Government held elections twice, bu...