All Change in the Middle East
Israel is ‘blessed’ with neighboring dictatorships and quasi-dictatorships from every angle. Although the Middle East is routinely described as an “unstable region”, actually this is not always the case. These Middle Eastern regimes may not look pretty to the Western eye, and they can be rightly accused of numerous crimes and evils, but instability is not their characteristic. Working around the neighborhood… Egypt has a peaceful transition after Anwar Sadat’s assassination on 6 October 1981, and has been controlled ever since then by the same leader, Hosni Mubarak, now 82. Jordan transitioned peacefully on the death of King Hussain in 1999, to his son King Abdullah, resulting in a 90 year continuous Hashemite regime ruling over Jordan , so far. Syria , had its stability test in 2000, when President Hafez El-Assad died, and was calmly replaced by his son Bashar El-Assad. He’s been firmly in the dictators throne ever since. That’s 40 years Syria has been the Assad Fami...