24 Hours: Two Murders of Kids by Adults

Israel was shaken awake this morning by the horrific news that, in separate incidents, two young children were killed by adults.

According to Haaretz: The body of a seven-year-old boy, Leon Kalantarov, who was reported missing since Thursday, was found before dawn Friday in the town of Bnei Ayish, just south of Rehovot. 

Twin brothers in their early 20s were arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting the boy before strangling him to death. 

Meanwhile in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Shmuel Hanavi, 23 year old Nachman Anshin reportedly strangled his 8 month old baby during an argument with his wife.

In both cases, it is reported that their communities were previously aware of the dangers posed by these three alleged child-murderers, and in the Bnei Ayish case, had reported their earlier concerns to the police.

These two tragedies are too fresh and shocking for me to offer any analysis at this time.

Today, Am Yisrael grieves for these murdered children.


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