Attempted Lynch?

פצועים בג'אלוד (זכרייה סדה)
Bloodied Jewish men [photo Zacharia Sada]

A group of young Jewish men from the Shilo region were beaten up by Arabs and then rescued by IDF troops from a building site in the Palestinian village of Kusra, south of Nablus/Shechem.

The media has reported this as an attempted "price tag" attack by Jewish men, which was stopped by local Arabs, who then called the IDF and escorted the captive men into IDF hands.

The incident followed the uprooting of a vineyard belonging to the Jewish village of Aish Kodesh by troops - see this video:

Stone throwing incidents and clashes between Jews, Arabs and IDF soldiers appear to have taken place over an area of several kilometers around Shilo.

According to some of the Jewish men, they were participating in a local hike, when they were attacked by dozens of local Arabs with stones, who cut off their retreat to nearby Shvut Rachel, and they were cornered in the partially built house.

The incident was recorded by the Arab media, which tells (at least part of ) the story:

There, the Jewish men were beaten with stone and wooden clubs - with at least one Jewish man beaten unconscious (seen lying on the ground prone).

The IDF troops arrived and brought re-inforcements.

The injured Jewish youth and men were escorted out by both IDF troops and by mature looking Arab men.

YNet also shows a video showing the violent Arab crowd, the injured Jewish men, and some Arab men + IDF escorting the Jewish men into vans.

Whereas the details of how the Jewish men got into the building, and were bloodied by an Arab mob, remain vague, it seems clear from the videos that their rescue involved both Arab men and Israeli troops.

Baruch Hashem that no-one was killed.


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