In a remarkable turn-around this week, Ehud Olmert was transformed from probably Israel 's most disgraced & corrupt politician, to becoming a righteous victim of injustice, of political conspiracy and of a corrupt legal system. In a surprise verdict on Tuesday, the three man court found Ehud Olmert "Not Guilty" of the two most serious criminal charges against him. The backlash from the sentence was dramatic, with the full fury of the popular press immediately turned on the prosecution services, with a chorus of calls for State Attorney Moshe Lador to resign. Others blamed for the miscarriage of justice include American right wing Jews. There is no doubt that the toppling of a sitting prime minister, on trumped up charges, would be a huge scandal, and would bring shame upon the State legal system. If the charges were clearly false, then, yes, heads should roll. As usual, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Police forces, prosecutio...