Does Lema'an Achai Still Exist?

Jews have a long collective memory, remembering incidents and events for even thousands of years - but sometimes we forget what happened yesterday – and certainly the events of two years ago. Yesterday, someone asked "does Lema'an Achai exist still? I don't see them around…" The person who asked belongs to BTYA a major anglo-chareidi kehillah/community in Ramat Beit Shemesh. BTYA's rabbi officially banned Lema'an Achai, the world-renowned RBS tzedaka & chesed organization, from fundraising in his shul, over two years ago. Immersed within that specific community, from which the name & presence of Lema'an Achai has been officially wiped out for two years - even when community members continue to receive the organization's help every day - it is not surprising this person reckoned Lema'an Achai itself had been obliterated. Such is the inestimable power of communal forgetfulness. The ban/cherem at BTYA remains...