The Hacking Python

I have been spied upon by Python. On a recent trip to China, where Google is banned (I bet you didn’t know that), I had to set up a temporary non-Gmail Chinese-friendly email address. On advice from a local friend, I joined one of China’s largest free email providers and forwarded all my incoming gmail mail to that account, so I could continue to stay in communicado with the world outside of China during my visit. I had heard of the problem of snoopers looking at one’s emails and other communications in China, whether by the big brother Chinese Government or by hackers. But frankly, I didn’t think it was likely to happen to me. I was in a third country meeting with a colleague, on my way to China, and sent an email from my 163. email to him while I was sitting in his office, containing a link to a Google document we were jointly working on. As we are both editing the document, simultaneously (the wonders of the Cloud), both of our identifying icons appeared on t...