Why Israel As A Jewish State?

Aside from the plentiful rain and storms, the next biggest topic in the news is the proposed bill to define Israel as primarily a Jewish State. Some opponents to this law have said that it adds nothing to the Declaration of Independence, which clearly defines Israel as both Jewish and democratic. And if it does change anything, it would brush up with racism, and provide grounds for inequality of non-Jewish citizens under the law. I view Netanyahu as calculatedly wrong-footing everyone on this law. Yes, it will mean, for example, that KKL can allocate land to Jews, as positive discrimination, and other similar applications. However, that's not enough practical importance to justify the public furor and direct risk to Netanyahu's coalition. Here's my take on what Netanyahu may be working on. Netanyahu has raised the topic of Israel as a Jewish State, in a totally different arena. In May 2011, like a rabbit out of the hat, Netanyahu produced a novel requirem...