A Community Focuses on Child Abuse Perpetrators

Dr David Pelcovitz in Beit Shemesh [Photo: Yosef Symonds] The packed crowd at Ahavat Zion [Photo: Yosef Symonds] Dr David Pelcovitz, an international expert in child protection, recently visited Beit Shemesh and addressed over 200 people on the subject of child abuse perpetrators in the community. The event was entitled “Who are the people in our neighbourhood” and was hosted by Magen, the Beit Shemesh Child Protection Organization. Rav Menachem Copperman, Ahavat Zion, Ramat Beit Shemesh [Photo: Yosef Symonds] Rabbi Menachem Copperman, the rav of the Ahavat Zion synagogue, where the event was held, opened the evening with a stirring speech about the importance of child protection, and the halachik obligation to report child abuse cases to the State authorities. The full evening program included dramatic presentations of three real Magen cases, written by local parents of children who were sexually abused. The cases were each read to the audience...