Amidst the international celebration of the successful assassination of Osama Bin Laden by US special forces, the official response of Hamas has all but been ignored by the major news carriers (such as CNN and BBC). It is commonly understood that the attack on the Twin Towers, and the subsequent Al Qaeda bloody attacks on (mainly Muslim) targets throughout the world, including Indonesia, Iraq, Bali, Spain and England…leaving literally tens of thousands of innocent murdered victims, was so utterly evil, that therefore the assassination of Bin Laden was clearly a victory for civilization… However, this is not the way Hamas and their supporters view it. A decade ago, when news of the 9/11 Twin Towers atrocity reached Gaza, the Gazans spontaneously danced on the roof tops, in the streets and handed out candies to kids to celebrate. And now, in response to Bin Laden's assassination, the following statement was reported from Hamas: The Hamas prime minister of the Gaza str...