Has Israel Attacked Iran?

It reads like science fiction – but it’s for real and right now. A most incredible, silent but, apparently, highly effective attack has been launched on Iran . Perhaps by Israel – but we’ll probably never know. Consisting of the world’s most sophisticated and devious computer virus, known as “Stuxnet”, this virus has penetrated Iran ’s industrial control centers, including those of their nuclear facilities. The delivery mechanism may have been as simple as a USB memory stick. The virus takes advantage of characteristics of both the ubiquitous Windows’s operating system and the lesser known (to the consumer) Siemens’ industrial control computers – which enjoy international market dominance. Experts around the world are puzzling over the ingeniously malicious code, which not only hides itself from discovery, but can apparently become ever-more scheming, the more it is pursued. Commentators are assuming this is well beyond the development capabilities of a geek or two, and is ...