"I'm a Jew"

The song, "Ani Yehudi" ("I'm a Jew"), originally written by Bet Shemesh singer Lenny Solomon, has been upgraded to a masterful, multi-star, full-blown Jewish Anthem.

Dr Linda Allen appears briefly at 0:45; Dr Allen is the mater-mind (deliberate typo) behind this great musical contribution to Jewish unity.

I first saw this video at the Allen's house a couple of weeks ago, then still under-the-wraps.

Dr Allen voluntarily runs US Friends of Lema'an Achai from Oceanside.
She has been a champion for Gush Katif and many other great causes.

Kol Hakavod - Kudos - to all those who participated in "Ani Yehudi"!


  1. This is a beautiful piece of music and Jewish culture. Since it first appeared in Yediot Aharonot, we've been using it with our hug Ivrit. The Allens have done a great service to the Jewish people and Judaism. I hope they know it. I also hope that people will spread this anthem far and wide in the Jewish world.

  2. Just curious-who paskined that the mixed voices was OK? Will it limit distribution?
    Joel Rich

  3. H'maivin Yovin6 May 2010 at 17:52

    Chazir Feasalach!

    H'maivin Yovin

  4. David - thanks so much for posting this. uplifting. After reading about so much sinat chinam recently I was despairing about the future. Baruch HaShem they're are still normal people around who care...

    "Chazir feasalach" - what on earth does that mean.

    Adam Schoogger

    p.s. regards to Julie.

  5. sorry about the typo!


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