Sanity In Bet Shemesh

Color Tree

While the entire world is hearing about the "darker" side of Bet Shemesh we would like to tell (or remind) you about a sparkling gem in the midst of our city.

Lema'an Achai. Smart Chesed.

For over 11 years Lema'an Achai has been the voice of reason and sanity providing the tools to build better and brighter futures.

Lema'an Achai helps ALL those in crisis. Men and Women. Religious and not so religious. Ashkenazi and Sefardi. Young and old.

Poverty and hardship don't discriminate. Nor do we.

You can be a partner in our amazing work that has changed hundreds of lives for the better.

As we conclude this tax year please consider a generous tax deductible donation to help strengthen Lema'an Achai, a bastion of sanity that unites Jews from all stripes for the common goal of helping others in need.

Please visit our website at . Take a look around and donate generously. Share this message with your friends. Everyone should know of the beauty of caring for all of our brothers and sisters.

With your help the positive messages of Lema'an Achai will continue to be a beacon of light for all of us.

Thank you and Tizku L'Mitzvot!
Rav Avrohom Leventhal

Executive Director
Nachal Lachish 40/7
Ramat Bet Shemesh,


  1. David,

    Excellent posting. Please take out the period after .org it impedes a direct click.

  2. Thanks Shmuel! I've now fixed the link.


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