Win-Win! Enter Raffle, Win Big, Help the Poor!

Help us Help Our Neighbors!

Your Chance to Win Big Plus....
Everyone Who Supports Lema'an Achai is a Big Winner!

Lema'an Achai's Annual Grand Sweepstakes

First Prize: 18,000 NIS
Second Prize: 7,200 NIS
Third Prize: 3,600 NIS

Suggested Donation: 180 NIS/50 USD Per Ticket

Limited to 1,200 entries (Amazing odds of winning a prize)

Last year's winners were local residents!

No Purchase Necessary! (visit for non-donation

Tickets available at:

Lema'an Achai office: Lachish 40/7
Leventhal: Dolev 53/5
Links: Refaim 15/3
Morris: Refaim 15/5
Stewart: Ein Gedi 50/2
Airley: Yavne 10/1
Leventhal: Dolev 40/1
Beer: Nachshon 6/3
Rose: Lachish 10/9
Goldsmith: Dolev 37b/18 (call 052-766-9727 before coming)
Grubin: Ayalon 13/4
Crandall: Maor 10/10b
Rubel: HaBesor 17/6 (call 992-5164 before coming)
Wedcliffe: Refaim 9/4

In the Giva:
Gerstman: HaYasmin 19 A
Hoffman: Shivtei Yisrael 2/11
Wolicki: Reuven 59 (31)

Online at or call 9999933

Drawing to be held September 1, 2010

Tizku L'Mitzvos and Hatzlocha Rabba!


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