One Year of Tzedek-Tzedek!

I started this blog, Tzedek-Tzedek, (from the biblical injunction "Justice, Justice Thou Shalt Pursue...!") as an experiment, with the objective of increasing awareness of social justice issues, particularly regarding abuse, and with a focus on my own community in Bet Shemesh/RBS.

Now a year later, is a moment for cheshbon nefesh (evaluation).

Statistics: According to "sitemeter" - Tzedek-Tzedek has attracted over 25,000 visitors during the year, an average of about 2000 a month, 500 a week. These visitors have read over 40,000 pages (a little less than 2 pages each visit).

Achievements: In the field of abuse, Education & Awareness equals Better Protection for Victims.

I believe that the target readership (mainly Jewish, mainly in Israel, mainly in Bet Shemesh/Ramat Bet Shemesh)  have learned significant information about the issues of abuse and social justice. Furthermore, various experts from around the world have contributed important articles to the site and so up-graded the level of information and debate available here.

In addition, Tzedek-Tzedek has covered other topics - more-or-less as the whim has taken me. We covered the mikve dispute in Ramat Bet Shemesh - and played a significant role in the public relations campaign which successfully overturned the Municipality's decision to hand over the (publicly funded) mikve into sectarian private hands.

Tzedek-Tzedek also covered the Turkish/Israel disputes, with the added insights due my business relations in Turkey.

Controversy: I do not know of anyone who has taken a strong stand against child abuse in the Jewish community, who has come away without some war-scars.

Regretfully, the issue of child abuse in the Jewish community is a mine-field - as are some of the other topics addressed on Tzedek-Tzedek. However, the alternative of Silence, is not an acceptable option.

Naturally therefore, some of the articles on Tzedek-Tzedek have generated some controversy. At all times,  the debate has been kept reasonably civil, and within the halachik framework for such discourse. (I have taken regular advice from my rabbi, Rav Chaim Soloveichik, and from other rabbonim as needed).

Summary: As an experiment, Tzedek-Tzedek has made an important contribution to the level of information and debate about abuse, social justice, and other issues-of-the-day.

Your Feedback: Now, it's the time to develop Tzedek-Tzedek further, and your creative suggestions will be much appreciated.

What do you think could/should be done to further improve the quality and appeal of Tzedek-Tzedek?


  1. I admire your courage and clear-sightedness in raising these important community issues.

    Keep up the great work David!!

    Tzedek, tzedek tirdoff!!

  2. As long as you're aware that children are better protected with your eforts, that poverty-stricken neighors are being helped in specific ways due to your efforts and that sinat chinam at the mikva is reduced or ideally ZERO because of this blog, keep on blogging!

    May your comments section gain the names of citizens willing to publicly declare that they stand for justice instead of listing themselves as "Anonymous,"

    Yocheved Golani

  3. David,

    Congratulations on your well deserved anniversary. My main advice is to keep on doing what you have done. My only other thought is see if you can recruit one new blogger to open their own blog. Over the last half year I have tried to get several folks to open blogs. In one case I succeeded. I reckon if I can recruit one new blogger a year and they in turn can recruit one each year... You can see the growth potential. The problems we face will require many hands to fix.

  4. Hazak v'ematz!

    I add my voice to those who encourage you to keep on with what you've been doing.

    From what I heard in Yerushalayim today, you all are doing good work!

  5. h'amavin yovin22 July 2010 at 17:39

    Aside from the Talmudic discussion, there exist differences of opinions in the writings of Kabala for the “double loshon” and meaning of Tzedek Tzedek tirdof. The Zohar contends (to be concise about this) that it means for good or for bad. In other words: see the evil head-on as you would easily see the good and - don’t brush it aside or “shove it under the rug” - rather deal them accordingly. Or as you so eloquently wrote “the alternative of Silence, is not an acceptable option”.

    Rebbe Nachman of Breslav though contends that it’s to teach us to go the extra length in judging the wicked in a favorable light.

    The two aforementioned opinions don’t necessarily differ upon a deeper level of insight. The ideal example (“nafka mina”) where the two jive is with the topic at hand. On the one hand the evil is so vile that we’re left with no choice other than to follow the teaching of the Zohar - see it for what it is, and then take extreme measures against it - them. On the other hand, 99% of these perpetrators were once victims themselves (not a justification, just a mere fact). As such we‘re left to perceive them in accordance with the teaching of Rebbe Nachman of Breslav - that even amongst the most vile of society there is room to judge them in a favorable light.

    There is much discourse about this teaching of Rebbe Nachman; the general consensus is that seeing only good, even amongst evil, is beneficial for the individual viewing it as such, the person being perceived, and society as a whole.

    The resulting outcome though, in our case of discussion (nafka mina, is precisely the way you defined it as a battle in a “mine-field”.

  6. Bravo, David.
    Keep up the good work!

  7. David,

    Great work!
    I hope that you community recognizes your amazing sacrifices in protecting their children.
    From my understanding both you personally and Lema'an Achai, as an organization, have been attacked due to your stance on child abuse, reporting and protecting our children.
    May you and your projects see unlimited success.

  8. While your post are interesting and sometimes needed (as in the child abuse Cases) I feel you show disrespect sometimes to some of the rabbis on the right. I also feel that sometimes your info on things is incorrect as in the Emanuel case, as it really was not a Sephardic - Ashkenazic fight as the secular media tried to make it.(As some of the parents that were jailed were sephardic) But keep on writing and bring justice to the world !!!!

  9. Derech Eretz Kodma La'Torah27 July 2010 at 09:59


    I have known David Morris for many years. To say that he is disrespectful of anyone, in particular of rabbis, shows that you can't know him at all.
    David might disagree with the policies of certain rabbis regarding the safety of children but he does this in a most cordial and respectful manner.
    The rabbis, on the other hand, have mistreated David because of his stance.
    It is a big chilul HaShem IMHO on their part.


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