Statehood – The Two Edged Sword

Yes – of course the UN recognition of Palestine as a State is a major blow to Israel’s international standing, and potentially to our national security.

And, Yes, it makes Israel vulnerable to Palestine’s future efforts to attack Israel through the international court system.

Yes, it’s a further step towards a real Palestinian state, which would be an existential threat to the Jewish State.

And, Yes, its hard to see anything whatsoever positive in this diplomatic mess.

Except this.

Not only can Palestine now pursue Israel via the International Court in the Hague.

But Israel can now pursue Palestine in the International Court.

Next time the Palestinians launch attacks on Israel, the Israeli Government now has legal recourse against their Government.

So, for example, when Hamas next launches missiles into Israel against our civilian populations, then the Government of the State of Palestine in Ramallah can be held legally responsible and can be sued in the International Court in the Hague.

Israel should form a caucus of the greatest lawyers in the Jewish and Israel-sympathetic world, to begin proceedings in the International Court against Mahmud Abbas and his henchmen, for a plethora of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.

Statehood is a two edged sword, increasing both Palestine’s rights and their responsibilities.


  1. > Not only can Palestine now pursue Israel via the International Court in the Hague. But Israel can now pursue Palestine in the International Court.

    I've heard this argument before but you can safely ignore it.
    The double-standard applied to Israel remains. When it comes to the ICC, Israeli "outrages", as imagined as they are, will always receive a full hearing. So-called Palestinian crimes, on the other hand, will be routinely ignored, downplayed or thrown out of court.
    Proof? Look at 'Aza. Sure they're firing rockets. Sure they're declaring constant war. But how dare Israel fire back or, chas v'shalom, shut off their electricity? And besides, they're only shooting rockets because of the occupation. Not that Israel is occupying them anymore but since when has that mattered?


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