You're Not Ready For Pesach!

You're not ready for Pesach...until you have remembered your fellow Jew, who cannot buy his food for Seder.

Please give generously when you donate your Kimche Depischa/Maot Chitim to over Two Hundred local needy families, via Lema'an Achai.

With Lema'an Achai's "Smart Chesed" you know that your money is going to help families this Pesach, so that Be"H these families will not require Kimche Depischa next Pesach.

You can do this pre-Pesach mitzva conveniently right now:

1. Online - - Israel, US, UK and Canadian Tax Deductible options
2. By phone - 02-99999.33 (Hebrew)
3. Via you shul gabbai or local Lema'an Achai drop-off.
4. By mail: Lema'an Achai Center, 40/7 Nahal Lachish, Ramat Beit Shemesh, 99093, Israel

As an indication: 1800 NIS ($480) helps one Lema'an Achai family (out of two hundred!) through Pesach.

There is no better way to give "Kimche Depischa" than with Lema'an Achai.

Thank you for your support & generosity! Tizku Lemitzvot!


Chag Kasher Vesameach for EVERYONE!
David & Avrohom


David Morris,        Rav Avrohom Leventhal
Chairman               Executive Director

Tel: 02 9991553
Donations 24/6: 02 99999.33

The Lema'an Achai Center
40/7 Nachal Lachish,
Ramat Beit Shemesh
99093 ISRAEL.


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