Rav Chanan Porat, zichrono lebracha

I had the merit of meeting R.Hanan Porat during his therapy for cancer at Hadassah Ein Kerem.

A man who literally made history - steeped in love for our People and our Land, R. Porat strengthened Eretz Yisrael in every way conceivable.

As Kenesset Speaker Rubi Rivlin eulogized today:

"You knew how to be the public's agent with a mouth full of song, to be a sharp parliamentarian with a dreaming soul," Rivlin said. "Within your soul there was a great love, a conquering love, for the national of Israel, for the ground of this good land, for Israel's Torah."

R.Hanan Porat died at the relatively young age of 67. Our people has been deprived of a great man and fine leader.


  1. Thank you for posting that. Hanan will be sorely missed by an entire generation, at least. He was a real embodiment of love of Hashem, Torah, Israel, and the Land of Israel. A rare combination of a farmer's hands and a sensitive soul. Some of the things he wrote and said over the years could move one to teshuvah and tears. What a rare man who will have both Torah and communities throughout Israel as his monuments.


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