Tisha Ba'Av: There Are Only Two Types of People


Message for Tisha B'Av from Lema'an Achai

For almost 2,000 years we have mourned the destruction of our Holy Temples and the fact that they have yet to be rebuilt. It was "Sinas Chinam" (baseless hatred) that put us into exile. It will be through "Ahavas Chinam" and "Ahavas Yisroel" that our bitter exile will end. When we show compassion for those in need, regardless of their affiliation, we can rectify the wrongs of discord and disunity.

"Great is Charity as it Hastens the Redemption" (Talmud Baba Batra 10a).

To prepare for Tisha B'Av please support Lema'an Achai, an organization based on Ahavas Chinam
and Ahavas Yisroel.

Give now by clicking HERE.

May the merit of our selfless acts of charity and kindness turn the mourning of Tisha B'Av into the joy of redemption.

Have an Easy Fast

2 Jews


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