The Smoking Gun on Iranian Terror

Description of the Book "To Kill Without a Trace"
(“Matar sin que se note”)
Gustavo D. Perednik
(Personal Note: Gustavo Perednik is my brother in law, and is a university professor specialising in Jewish History. He has researched and now exposed the incredible smoking-gun, directly linking today's Iranian regime in Teheran to the bloody terror attacks of 1994 in Buenos Aires. Were this linkage to be widely known, any pretense of the regime's legitimacy (in the UN and even with the USA under Obama) would be revealed as a dangerous fraud. This book has been published now in Spanish; IMHO it needs to be translated into English and also would make an important & dramatic movie. If you may be able to help with this - contacts, funding, whatever, please let me know - or contact Dr Perednik directly.)  

On July 18, 1994, the worst anti-Jewish attack in the post world war era occurred: the site of the center of the Jewish community in Buenos Aires was obliterated, leaving 85 dead and hundreds injured.
A short time later, a web was spun to provide cover for those responsible for the attack, which included red herrings, blackmailing, bribery, intimidation of witnesses and diverse methods of obstructing the investigation.
This cover-up network was instigated by government functionaries, intelligence agents, judges and leaders of the Jewish community. It would have succeeded had it not been for the herculean work of Alberto Nisman, who in 1997 was nominated to be a State Prosecutor of the AMIA case with the intention of rubber stamping this network of falsifications.
At the heart of this novel is the gradual unraveling of this web of lies.
Its author, Gustavo Perednik, has published ten books, several of which have been translated and have received international prizes.
The author reveals vast realms of information gained through his personal friendship with the protagonist of the tale, Alberto Nisman.
To Kill Without a Trace was published in June 2009 by Editorial Planeta, a top Spanish language publishing house. Prior to its publication, the book has already been quoted by The Jerusalem Post, Makor Rishon, and various other newspapers.
Initially, Alberto Nisman was the Prosecutor for the duration of three years, during which the false leads were cracked. Taking a courageous stand against all other officials involved in the case, Nisman decided he would do whatever it takes to reveal every last detail of the cover-up. The judge, the State attorneys, and the politicians involved ended up in jail or are under continuing investigation.
In November 2007, during its Assembly in Morrocco, the Interpol adopted Nisman's thesis and requested the capture of the Iranian ringleaders incriminated in the terrorist attack (one of them is currently Iran’s Minister of Defense.)
The protagonists of this novel include heads of State, Argentineans, Israelis and Iranians, as well as the mothers of the children who died in their arms, as they casually passed by the block of the AMIA on that fateful day.  
The intense dramatization of the book takes place in many time periods, such as:
·             September 1, 2004: All the framed culprits are declared innocent; the victims' relatives are stunned and hopeless. The victims' families had organized themselves into two goups demanding justice, each with its own perspective. Both groups had absolutely trusted Nisman, who now appears to betray them. Months later, they will discover the new reality.
·             February 9, 2005: The corrupt judge is fired, the Argentinian government admits its role in the cover-up. A professional team led by Nisman is entrusted by the new judge to lead the prosecution. Nisman receives approximately 500 files with 120,000 pages, and 1,500 Intelligence reports. The staff includes detectives, CIA contacts, lawyers, graphologists and Islam scholars. 
·             April 30, 2005: The suicide bomber is identified; an identikit and a trip by Nisman to Detroit to interview family Berro clinch the identification: The terrorist was a young Hezbollah militant, the organization appointed by Iran to carry out the attack.
·             October 25, 2006: Nisman's 800-page verdict is published, as Argentina becomes a world leader in the legal struggle against global terrorism.
The novel’s foci are Nisman's experiences, including his personal life, and cover the following aspects:
1)     The intricate and multi-level fabrication of the initial trial, employing an elite cast: Ministers, the judge, policemen and witnesses. Despite the cover-up of false evidence, the hoax was unravelled twelve years later.
2)     An unknown Prosecutor, stubborn, jaunty and impetuous, gradually solves the mystery while contending with general scepticism, death threats, family conflicts and warding off advanced attempts to bribe his senior professional partner.
3)     Out of an Argentina often mired in a corrupt and inefficient justice system, portending a “third terror attack,” emerges revolutionary hope -justice might prevail.
4)     Celebrated  members of the top echelon of society descended into the pit of corruption, while humble bereaved everymen became justice fighters.
5)     The war on Iranian terrorism, European passivity, and Argentine ambivalence.     


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