From Terror in Mumbai to Judaism in Israel

"From Terror in Mumbai to Judaism in Israel"
Motivational & Inspiring Talk by Dr Aharon Abraham

Divrei Bracha - Rabbi Yaakov Haber, Rav of Kehilat Shivtei Yeshurun, RBS.

Sunday 19th July, 8pm

At: "Ohr Shalom" Shul (Soloveichik)
Rehov Nahal Maor, Ramat Beit Shemesh
It is a privilege to invite you to hear the amazing story of how a Hindu Indian doctor from Mumbai, found his way to Judaism and moved to Israel (three weeks ago!). Dr Abraham will recount his first-hand traumatic experience of the Mumbai Terror Attack on Beit Chabad.

Dr Aharon Abraham's story is deeply moving and inspirational, and was recently featured in Mishspacha Magazine and other publications.

The evening is in benefit of Lema'an Achai and is dedicated to the memories of Rabbi Gavriel and Rivka Holzberg, H"YD.

Suggested Donation: 30 NIS.

There is limited seating - so I recommend you come a few minutes early.


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