In Israel We Trade Terrorists At Wholesale

The concept of trading convicted murderers for..well, for anything... is an Israeli innovation. Israel routinely trades convicted terrorists for Peace; terrorists for Talks about Peace; and terrorists in return for Israeli hostages, alive and dead. Even for Ramadam - Israel routinely releases convicted terrorists. In the current phase, Israel is trading three batches of convicted murderers for building permits in Judea and Samaria. This is apparently some kind of good-will gesture to the Palestinians, to help negotiations along, either with or without the tacit approval of the USA. The USA and Europe certainly go through the motions of strongly objecting (to the building, of course!). Each time Israel releases terrorists, there are emotional & outraged appeals from the families of the victims of these murderers, demonstrations and protests from the Right Wing block, and redundant trips to the High Court - which has never, to my knowledge, over-ruled these clear violatio...